Quantcast Michigan Journal
College Media Network

mtvU's The Opening

Watch The Opening and find out what to expect from your first job.

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    US Holocaust Museum

    Spend the day with Michael, a coordinator for the Genocide Prevention Initiative

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    United States Navy

    Lt. Jeremy Engle gives us a peek into his career as an F-18 fighter pilot

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    Samantha gives a day in the life as a Senior Product Manager at Verizon Telecom

  • PWC

    This recent grad shows us that there's more to the tax biz than crunching numbers

  • Intel

    Find out what it's like to work for a technology company directly from and employee

  • AT&T

    Go to work with Maggie, an ASU grad and AT&T employee

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MonsterTRAK Tips

  • Benefits of an Internship

    Learn how students just like you experienced internships that helped their careers. Read stories about the positives and negatives of student internships. Read more >

  • Internship Checklist

    Has all your hard work for mere pennies paid off? Take this quiz and find out if your internship had you on the path to success. Read more >

  • Four Year Career Checklist

    Get on track and use this checklist to make the most of your college years. Find out the important fundamentals that distinguish freshman year from senior year and see if you're headed in the right direction. Read more >

Career Advice

  • Green Careers

    What does it mean to Go Green? Locate careers and companies that are proactively doing their part to help the environment by searching MonsterTRAK's GreenCareers. Read more >

  • Career Guide

    Make sure your first career is the one that suits you best. Utilize MonsterTRAK's Career Guide and find invaluable advice on careers, internships, interviews, and more. Read more >



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